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Astrid Ann Currie

16th December 2022

First Time Parents

Baby Born at 39+5

Peterhead Community Midwife Unit

Spontaneous Labour

Water Birth

Waterbirth Peterhead

Its Go Time


My waters broke at around 1am on Friday 16th of December and we left for the hospital around 3am, once my contractions indicated that I was in active labour. We were waaay too early though as contractions slowed during the car journey, and took a couple of hours to ramp back up once we arrived at Peterhead Community Midwife Unit.

en I began using the breathing techniques that I had learned. My mum and sister in law were at my house when I got home as we had pre-planned a girls movie day to get the oxytocin going. We put the movie on and I sat on my birthing ball and I continued to breathe through my contractions. I started timing them on my phone and by around 11am I told Max that things were beginning to ramp up, my contractions were getting closer together and he should think about coming home.

Working as a Team

I was examined at around 8.30am and was around 4-5cm dilated so the midwives then began preparing the birthing pool for me. I went into the birth pool at around 10am and Astrid made her arrival at 4pm weighing a healthy 8lbs 1oz. In total I was in labour for around 15 hours. It all went really well and she's doing great. I'm happy to share my story and hopefully it helps someone else feel positive and look forward to their birth!

Newborn, Ellon

From a Brilliant Birth Partner

I highly recommend this course for any parents to be! :)

Baby and Dad at home
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