Matilda Moroney
25th September 2022
Born at 36+2 weeks
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Caesarean Birth
The Unplanned
The last few weeks of my pregnancy were the most amazing and some of the most intense. We were in hospital for 9 days in total. We went in for a scan on the 20th and was told I needed to stay as my blood pressure was high and there was protein in my urine.
The Right Choice
Matilda was still breach and after a few days with my kidney and liver function reducing we decided that a C section was the best option for the pre-eclampsia. So Matilda was born via c section on the 25th at 36 +2 weeks ♥️. I thought I was going to be a mess getting my c section but it was so relaxed and it was the right decision for Matilda and I.
Postnatal Recovery
We stayed in hospital for 5 days after Matilda's birth as she lost a bit of weight after and I had lost 1.5 litres of blood during the c section.
At home, Matilda finally started started putting on weight and we got discharged to the health visitor team. As planned I got my placenta tablets which I think helped my recovery too!
♥️ I cant believe she's here and we are now a 3 ♥️
She's a tiny perfect bundle of love.