The Brilliant Birth Club
There are no rules on how you birth your baby, but there are choices.
Congratulations! You have completed your hypnobirthing course and now it is over to you. I encourage you to soak up as much as you can about Brilliant Birth between now and meeting your baby. Think about the concepts that we have explored and practise the techniques that will contribute to your unique birth experience.
Connect with your baby, connect with your birth partner and connect with you.
Check In Call
You have a one hour check in call to use at whatever time you feel this would be valuable.
This will be led by you, so please let me know any specific topics that you would like to discuss ahead of time and I shall come prepared.
Alternatively, we can wing it. We can do a refresher on any of the topics or techniques or if you just want to have a nice relaxation session, I can guide you through a meditation for old times sake!
4th Trimester Workbook
Good birth preparation should also include preparation towards your 4th trimester, so I have created a fun workbook help you build your 4th trimester plan.
These are hints and tips that you can use if they feel good. You can download the workbook and print it off or you can use it as a prompt for building your own plan.
Ongoing Support
If you need additional support throughout your pregnancy you can reach me on email. There is no limit on the number of emails you send however if you have an issue that requires a further call this will be charged at an hourly rate.
I will reply to emails within 48 hours.
To keep in touch, follow me on Instagram and slide on into my DMs. You know I love a voice note!
Your feedback is fundamental to me being able to continue to run The Brilliant Birth Club. Please consider leaving a review to help spread The Brilliant Birth Club word and complete the feedback form so that I can improve the offer and support even more expectant parents on their path to parenthood.
Yoshio, Second Time Dad
"Although we did a hypnobirthing course before our first baby in Japan, working with Lara helped me review what we studied previously but also gave me an opportunity to fully understand what was physically happening with my wife’s body, which allowed me to recognise the stages of birth and kept me calm when everything went so quickly with our second baby. I’m really grateful for her commitment to us and the understanding she had for our situation.”
Natalie, Third Time Mum
"I couldn’t recommend Lara Jo of The Brilliant Birth Club enough! As third time expectant parents who have experienced previous losses we came with history and Lara Jo offered a safe space to work through our fears and concerns about this birth. My husband was a little reluctant, but after our final session we both agreed we just wished we’d done a workshop first time round!"